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School Board Information

School Board elections are a great opportunity for Manitobans to get involved in public education - by voting or running as a candidate for school trustee.  


The Board of Trustees


School boards are elected bodies responsible for the planning and delivery of educational services within geographic regions known as school divisions or school districts.  For practical purposes, there is no difference between a division or a district.  Provincial legislation in the form of the The Public Schools Act and The Education Administration Act defines the structure, obligations, and responsibilities of school boards; within the bounds imposed upon them by this legislation, school Boards are themselves a law-making level of government.


The key functions of Park West School Division are: the determination of policy, setting the strategic direction of the organization, developing the annual budget for the organization, and ensuring policies and strategic direction are implemented.  In general, the Park West School Division Board focuses its energy on high level decisions rather than the details of daily activities and operations of the school division. 


The Manitoba School Boards Association

The Manitoba School Boards Association is a voluntary organization of public school boards in Manitoba. The mission of the Manitoba School Boards Association is to enhance the work of locally elected school boards through leadership, advocacy and service, and to champion the cause of public education for all students in Manitoba.


Below are useful resources for both potential candidates and voters.  


Please visit the Manitoba School Boards Association at for more information. 


Tel: 204.842.2100 

Fax: 204.842.2110



Box 68

1126 St. Clare Street
Birtle, MB, R0M 0C0

© Copyright 2017 by Park West School Division

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